Monday, October 14, 2013

Autumn Color

It's beginning to look a lot like fall in western New York. Grab your camera, get out there, take some pictures, have fun. Just some images I captured this past week while traveling around my area.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

How to shoot waterfalls by Gary Muth

You can sign up for our waterfall workshops to learn how to shoot great waterfall images like these. Call or contact our studio for details. The Portrait Gallery Niagara

Friday, October 4, 2013

Photographing Waterfalls by Gary Muth

Whenever I get a chance I like to get out of the studio and photograph nature. Waterfalls are my favorite subjects because they are so tricky to handle. I took these last week at a small nature park in Lockport, NY. First off your chances of success improve greatly if you photograph the falls on an overcast day. This makes handling the highlights easier but I still bracket my exposures. I prefer to use a ND filter too, to knock down the exposures even more to get a great blur on the water. We hold two annual workshops to teach the proper techniques in shooting waterfall pictures correctly. If you are interested contact our studio at: The Portrait Gallery Niagara for dates and times. 716-297-3387.