Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Post Time Post

May 27th was opening day for the 2014 horse racing season at Fort Erie Race Track in Ontario. Here is and action image I shot with a slow shutter speed in order to get some motion blur to show movement.

Monday, May 12, 2014

G. Muth finally gets to Yosemite

Our recent trip to Yosemite was great. I shot 1800 images and I still needed more time there. I have more images in my pbase galleries. I will be constantly adding images so check back from time to time.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Nesting Time

The Niagara River Association installed bird boxes along the river a few years back. Now the barn swallows use them every year. I didn't want to disturb their nesting so I just grabbed a quick shot of this guardian on sentry duty and moved on.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Trilliums of Niagara

Well it's May and the trilliums are starting to bloom on Goat Island in Niagara Falls State Park. They are about a week behind schedule but in a few days they should be thriving. I took a few images today to share with you and I plan to go back in a few days for more pictures. The trilliums are Ontario's state flower and are endangered, so if you go make sure you don't step on any and never pick any either.