Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Clinton's Big Ditch

Rode my bike from Niagara Falls to Tonawanda today. I shot four images and made this panorama of the Erie Canal. The Erie Canal divides the twin cities before it empties in to the Niagara river. I liked the reflections in this image.

Monday, May 23, 2016

This is my daughter Christina. She is my stand in model so I can adjust my lights for an upcoming portrait session.

Friday, May 20, 2016

On my way home from a bike ride today I made this image. This is shot from the Lindberg Ave. bridge looking south over Cayuga creek. I focus stacked three images at different focal lengths and merged them with Photoshop CC. I used a R-72 infrared filter on a Canon Powershot sx50 hs.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Lockport falls wasn't much of a falls, more like a cascading stream and that's being kind. I really like this place when the water is flowing so I think I will wait for some rains then make another attempt at this one.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Erie Canal

I found this old building along the Erie canal. I liked the reflections in the water. It almost looks painted. The early morning sun gave this scene a beautiful warming effect. It reminds me of possibly what the canal looked like in the 1800's. I had to crop the image to a 1:1 ratio because the surrounding scene had too many modern structures and wouldn't give this image the same look.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Holley Waterfall

The key to a successful waterfall image is getting the water blur just right. On this shot the water was half blown out highlights from the sun and half in shadow. I used f-11 in aperture priority on seven bracketed exposures. I then added 4x neutral density filter and exposure compensated the the camera with a -2. This allowed me to composite the images in HDR and save all the highlight and shadow details. The blur in the water will automatically happen with this technique.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

While in Medina I made this photo along the Erie Canal. I focus stacked four images to get the railing sharp from front to back. Waterfall workshop 2016.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Same waterfall as below but a different angle. I used a 10x neutral density filter to blur the water and knock down the light.

Spring Waterfall Workshop 2016

Today was a big success for our annual springtime waterfall workshop. Six waterfalls and decent weather. All the waterfalls had good flow except Lockport was a little weak. Here is a shot of Akron falls. I will be posting many images from this set. I took 589 pics and did some experimental things that I will explain as I show them.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Saw this on Dpreview today and thought I'd give it a try. It's called the Orton layers effect and you can read about the process here. An interesting process, not sure how much I'll ever use it, but it's another tool in my arsenal of post processing works.

Saturday, May 7, 2016

The King of Beasts

Another shot of Tiberius the lion from yesterdays trip to the zoo. He seems to be quite the poser. I love the way I can bring out all the details in his face with Aurora HDR Pro.

Friday, May 6, 2016

Thursday, May 5, 2016

A simple two image panorama of Martin's Mill covered bridge. I used a Canon Powershot SX50hs with R-79 deep red infrared filter.

Martin's Mill

Martin's Mill Covered Bridge in Greencastle, PA. Built in 1849, Martin's Mill Covered Bridge is Pennsylvania's second longest covered bridge.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Different view of McGees Mills covered bridge using deep red R-79 filter to get the infrared effect. Five separate images merged in Photoshop CC to make this pano.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

McGees Mills in May

I walked down the banks of the Susquehanna river to get this shot of the McGees Mills covered bridge. I used a R-79 red filter to get the infrared effect.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Seven image pano of McGees Mills covered bridge ( circa 1873 ) over the Susquehanna river, Clearfield County, Pa. The image is pretty much as I saw it except I removed the telephone pole that obstructed my view of the bridge.