Friday, April 28, 2017

Falls...Prospect Point

Stopped by the Falls yesterday to see how all the new construction is coming along. Construction is everywhere and dosen't show any signs of finishing up soon. Checked on the trilliums and they need about two more weeks to peak bloom. I will be back in a week to check again. Here is a 5 image pano from Prospect Point just cropping out the construction on the left. It's all rainbows in Niagara Falls, New York.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

First Dance

This is an image from Jeff and Janelle's first dance. Because the dancers move around the dance floor I had my assistant stand about 12 feet behind them with a flash at 1/4 power and told her to keep the dancers between us. This way we adjusted our positions as the dance moved along the dance floor so she was out of sight of the camera. Again be careful not to overpower the rim lighting. I also used on camera flash bounced off the ceiling at 1/4 power and another on a light stand from my camera left pointed at the dancers at 1/4 power. Nikon D3, iso 2000, f-9 at 1/60th sec.

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Beautiful Bride

Janelle looks beautiful on her wedding day. This church pose was easily accomplished. We posed Janelle halfway up the isle and off to the right as to include the altar and stained glass window in the background. I used a remote triggered flash on a guerrilla pod attached to a pew at 1/4 power about 12 feet behind her. I've had years of practice doing this so judging the distance comes naturally but you'll need to experiment with your equipment. You want to make sure the flash just adds a kiss of rim light and not over power the veil of the bride. Fill light flash on camera was bounced off the ceiling to match the ambient room light. Nikon D3 iso 3200, f-4.5 at 1/60th sec.

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Friday Wedding

Congratulations to Jeff and Janelle. We did some nice environmentals on a rainy wedding day by the Niagara river and north Grand Island bridge.

Sunday, April 9, 2017

First Communion

A selection from todays photo session with my grandson Nathan's first communion. I used off camera flash with two 1/4 cto gelled Nikon SB 600 speed lights attached to a mono pod with a white shoot thru umbrella to offset the harsh afternoon sun.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017