Friday, February 28, 2025

No Swimming Allowed

 Alligator named Ben lurking in the canals of Port Charlotte, Fl. The rippled water gives the image a watercolor painting effect.  I am almost sure he's harmless.

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Low Key Portraits

One light portrait with home made slotted cardboard hand held in front of light to get the desired effect.


Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Food Photography


Wendy baked a loaf of home made bread today. It is an oatmeal, flax seed, chia seed concoction that she made up in her mind and it tasted fantastic. Probably healthy for me too. Anyway it looked so nice I thought I'd photograph it in my studio for a little practice.  I used two LED lights with an added frosted light dome modifier mounted over each lens.  Also and over head fluorescent light from the ceiling provided a small amount of ambient light.  The counter top in the background was added later in Photoshop 2025.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Cheap Alternative to Photo Lights


I bought  this light from Walmart for $25 to use for studio photos. I liked it so much I bought another. The last twelve images in this blog have been shot with these lights. They are super powerful, light weight, rechargeable, and it has a mount for light stand. Modified with a shoot through umbrella this light gives an even smooth portrait lighting look. Or you could pay $200-$1500  for the professional kind. 

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Group Lighting

 For a group shot of say four or five people I would bounce the two LED lights off the white wall behind the camera to even out the light on my subjects and let the two fluorescent lights from above act as hair and fill lighting. Imagine a group posed sitting or standing around this bench for an evenly lit portrait.