Monday, June 9, 2008

New Restoration Project

Today's challenge is interesting. Our client would like these two pictures restored. The pictures have been seriously neglected. They are sun faded badly and do not have much resolution. Fortunately our client wishes to keep the images the same size as the originals 3.75 x 3.25".
The pictures have been coated with wax. I have no idea why. It may have been a way of preserving images back then, but I have never heard of this method. Also, someone has crossed scratches across both images like a tic tac toe game. They appear to have been matted and framed so the outside edges are a higher contrast than the center of the image. This could be a problem or could be a blessing. One, it will be hard to match the two contrasts so we may crop it out a bit. Two, it may help us because it gives more insight to how the original image looked. Either way this will be a project.


As you walk the battlefields of Gettysburg you can see the contrasts between the slaughter and horrors of war and the majestic beauty of the Pennsylvania countryside

Haunted Bridge

This is Sach's covered bridge in Gettysburg, Pa. We made a quick trip to Gettysburg over the weekend and had a wonderful time. So much history and such a beautiful area. The bridge is said to be haunted by three confederate soldiers who were hung from the bridge after retreating from the battle of Gettysburg.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

CTO gels

CTO gels are useful tools to have around. Basically its an amber colored gel for over your flash to change the color temperature of your flash. This image above, we set our camera white balance to incandescent light and added a cto gel to our flash from camera left. This created an interesting effect on our flower.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

I am doing some interesting bird studies in my spare time. It takes quite a bit of patience and the proper equipment to capture interesting bird images. Here is a tree swallow in flight. A beautiful bird with metallic blue colors and white breast. The extreme contrasts of colors and the speed of this bird make it a challenge to photograph in flight. Shot with Nikon D3 with 70-200 ED AF-S VR Nikkor lens.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Senior Photo Session

Today we had an opportunity to photograph Shakiyla Haugabook in her cap and gown. She is graduating at the top of her class with high honors and her family is very proud of her accomplishments. Here are a few of today's images that I liked best. We had such a great time during this shoot. We shot many images in studio with different backgrounds and then made it outside for a few before the rains came. Shakiyla has been in front of my lens a few times before and she is very comfortable with us and our style of photography. She is an attractive and lovely young woman and a pleasure to work with. I used a Nikon D3 with 24-70 ED AF-S mm 2.8 lens for all the shots.