We got a chance to stop in and see the baby after she came home. Two days old and cute as a button. She will be coming over to the studio soon for her first portraits.
My first...grand daughter that is. Ellie Jean Muth, 7 pounds 12 ounces. A wonderful addition to our family. Happy birthday " Ellie " . Little Nathan's baby sister was born this morning at 2:17 a.m. Healthy, happy and beautiful...I'm so proud. Here are a few candid shots of Chris and Megan and baby, " Ellie " at the hospital.
Sabrina Jacobs & Michael Messineo tied the knot on Saturday at Niagara University Chapel. They had a beautiful reception at the Barton Hill Hotel in Lewiston afterwards. A wonderful couple to work with. We are pleased to be able to preserve their precious memories from this event for them. you can view the entire event at our main site: www.theportraitgalleryniagara.com.
Wendy and I took a ride down to Rock City near Olean, NY on Sunday and had a great time. The rocks are huge and strewn down a mountain. The shifting of the continents during the ice age created some really interesting rock formations. The trail is easy to follow and we got some really cool images. Here are a few images I liked from our trip.
Our wedding this week took us to Tonawanda's St. Francis Chapel. Where our lovely bride Vicki Derby wedded Richard Carhart on the 4th of July. It was a beautiful day and a wonderful ceremony. We got many great images. The bridal party went to Glen Falls in Williamsville for their outdoor environmental pictures. The reception was held at Sean Patrick's on Millersport Highway. we couldn't ask for a sweeter couple to work for. Congratulations Vicki & Rick and thank you for the opportunity. You can view their entire album of images on our main site at: www.theportraitgalleryniagara.com.
Congratulations to Mary Helen & Dan. We photographed their wonderful wedding on Saturday at St. John's Catholic Church in La Salle. A great day for pictures. We went to the Art Gallery for some really beautiful environmental portraits. These guys were awesome to work with and everyone had a great time. You can view the entire gallery at our main site: www.theportraitgalleryniagara.com.
My grandson Nathan came over on Sunday and we took him to the playground. He is now 15 mos. old and he loves playing outside. He will be getting a little sister next month. We will be posting pics of her soon.