Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Steve & April

Congratulations to Steve and April. They married on Saturday at St. John's Lutheran Church in Lancaster and then had a marvelous reception at Samuel's Grande Manor in Clarence,NY. Steve and April are the sweetest couple with wonderful families and it was pure pleasure to shoot their wedding. You can view their complete wedding and April's prebridal session at our main site: www.theportraitgalleryniagara.com

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Grandson Nathan

Nathan is now 16 mos. old and he loves to play outside. Here is a candid of him with his new ball.

Sunday, July 26, 2009


John and Tonia had a wonderful wedding ceremony on Saturday. The rains didn't stop them. And afterwards, when asked, " What's next? " They said, " We're going to Disney World! ". We captured all the memories of the day for them with great pictures of their families and friends. Check out their complete wedding story on our main site at: www.theportraitgalleryniagara.com. It was a pleasure to be with these guys...lots of fun.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Baby " Ellie "

We got a chance to stop in and see the baby after she came home. Two days old and cute as a button. She will be coming over to the studio soon for her first portraits.

Monday, July 20, 2009

It's a ... " Grand Daughter "

My first...grand daughter that is. Ellie Jean Muth, 7 pounds 12 ounces. A wonderful addition to our family. Happy birthday " Ellie " . Little Nathan's baby sister was born this morning at 2:17 a.m. Healthy, happy and beautiful...I'm so proud. Here are a few candid shots of Chris and Megan and baby, " Ellie " at the hospital.

Sunday, July 19, 2009


Sabrina Jacobs & Michael Messineo tied the knot on Saturday at Niagara University Chapel. They had a beautiful reception at the Barton Hill Hotel in Lewiston afterwards. A wonderful couple to work with. We are pleased to be able to preserve their precious memories from this event for them. you can view the entire event at our main site: www.theportraitgalleryniagara.com.

Monday, July 13, 2009

On the Rocks

Wendy and I took a ride down to Rock City near Olean, NY on Sunday and had a great time. The rocks are huge and strewn down a mountain. The shifting of the continents during the ice age created some really interesting rock formations. The trail is easy to follow and we got some really cool images. Here are a few images I liked from our trip.