Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Pet Portraits

Don't forget a great pet portrait makes a wonderful gift. Your pet is a family member and should be treated that way. Nittany shown above convinced his owners that he can be very photogenic. You can view Nittany's complete set of images on our facebook site at:

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Race Day

May 1, opening day at Fort Erie Race Track. We had a great time shooting the ponies yesterday. The weather was fine. The US and Canadian nation anthem was sung by actor Jim Carrey's sister. They had $1 menu and live country music. Here are a few pics from the day. Click to enlarge.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Spring Waterfall Workshop

We took a ride through three counties and found six waterfalls. We shot five of the six because the Medina waterfalls was too over grown with brush and trees to get a solid view of it. Here are some shots from our tour starting at the top, Royalton falls, Holley falls, Clarendon falls, Indian falls, Akron falls. Double click images to enlarge.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Goat Island Shoot

The trilliums are starting to bloom on Goat Island. An excellent subject for spring flower pictures. Here are a couple shots from today. Double click images to enlarge.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Spring is here...

Spring is my favorite season. After a cold gray winter it is so refreshing to get outside. The trees are budding out and the birds are chirping. The flowers add a welcome color that has been dorment for 6 months. I love to take my camera into our gardens and capture nature's colors. Here is a quick snap from this morning. Double click to enlarge.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Engagement Session

Congratulations to Christopher Tierney & Toni Scarpelli on their upcoming wedding. They make a wonderful couple and we can't wait to photograph their wedding. Here are a couple snaps from last nights photo session. Double click on images to enlarge. Their complete photo session is on our main site at: http://theportraitgalleryniagara.com

Monday, April 5, 2010

Family Portraits

Easter Sunday we had the extreme pleasure to photograph the Owen's family outside their home. A wonderful family to work with and we got plenty of images for them to choose from. The day was perfect for pictures and as a nice touch everyone color co ordinated to make a pleasing portrait; They will cherish these images for years to come. Every family should think about having a family portrait done every 3-5 years for a record of their family and how it changes over the years. Our location rates make it very affordable. Their complete session is on our main site at: http://theportraitgalleryniagara.com.