Saturday, February 4, 2012

Night walk in Niagara Falls

A couple pictures from last night that show the illumination of the American falls viewed from Prospect Point in Niagara Falls State Park.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Visiting Niagara

I shot this on Thursday from the viewing area on Goat Island called Stedman's Point. Although Niagara is usually covered under ice and snow by now, we have had an unusually mild winter this year. Even so I wanted to work on some new techniques to show the falls off even on an overcast gray day. You may click the image to enlarge.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Niagara Falls Photographer on TV

Thats right folks, I am going to be on Channel 10 in Ontario Canada, soon. Yesterday the television station, Cogeco Channel 10 in Ontario sent a crew over to our studio to interview me about my new book, " Free Niagara ". It is a collection of images I have captured at Niagara Falls State Park. The book contains some of my best work with unique images of the park. You can purchase the book at Just click on the book link to the right.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Niagara Falls Weddings

Engaged to be married in July....Congratulations to Gary & Jennifer! We had a great photo session outdoors with this happy couple. Jennifer and Gary love winter activities and wanted very much to have their engagement pictures taken in the snow. Well they got their wish, even though we haven't had a signifcant snow falll in our area this year on Saturday they got their wish. Plenty of snow. During our shoot the happy love birds were visited by some real love birds. It was a magical moment to them to have these chickadees perch in their hands during the shoot. Thanks for all the fun Jen & Gary.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Carlisle, Pennsylvania

Our recent trip to Carlisle produced some great images of a quaint old town.

We walked around the center of town at dusk. It had snowed a bit the day before we got there but most of it had melted. The lamp posts were decorated for the holidays. we did find one litttle waterfall on the outskirts of town.

I was amazed at how many old buildings were preserved and the history behind their courthouse.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

McGee's Mills revisited

I am working on some new post processing techniques with iPad apps. This app is called 100 cameras. Once you upload a picture it gives you 100 different looks. You can also use sliders to control the intensity of each look. I liked this effect and toned it done a tad. This image really pops now. When I took the image the foliage had already peaked and the scene was a little bland. This effect picks up the colors nicely.

Friday, November 11, 2011

New Order System

We have upgraded our ordering system. When you go in to our View your Images galleries you will notice a new look. The new system is user friendly and we think very impressive. So, revisit your gallery, try it out, order some pictures, you'll be glad you did.