Saturday, February 25, 2012

Portrait Lighting

Portrait lighting is a subject that many photographers neglect to learn. There are many techniques and everyone needs to have their own style, but you need to learn good lighting skills too. I took this simple one light portrait of my brother and I think it is one of the best pictures I have of him. I used my Nikon D3 with a 24-85mm Nikon lens and a SB-900 Nikon speedlight. I used a technique I learned from Neil Van Niekirk using his invention BFT the black foamie thing. Basically you are blocking the light hitting your subject from your camera position while you are bouncing your flash off a nearby wall. This particular image utilizes a 3/4 lighting pattern know as Rembrandt lighting. It gives great modeling to the face and adds depth to your image. You can see more examples of this light here: The Portrait Gallery Niagara

Friday, February 24, 2012

February Special Deal...

You are running out of time on the February Valentines Day Special. There are only five days left to get in on the $100 discount.
As an added bonus, today only, February 24th the first caller to call in and mention this ad, recceives a free portrait session worth $75.00. Call now to claim your prize. 716-297-3387.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Photo Walk with Gary Muth

I spent a little time in Lancaster, New York today and decided to do a photo walk around town. Here are some images I liked from the day. The images above consist of the Lancaster Opera House, The Masonic Temple on Broadway, and Town of Lancaster Historical Society. The day was over cast and cold, 39 degrees. All photos were taken with Nikon D3, Nikkor 24-85mm. Click on the image to enlarge.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

February Special

If you got engaged for Valentines Day you may get $100 off booking a full coverage wedding package from The Portrait Gallery. Just book your wedding during the month of February and mention this special to receive your discount. Call today for an appointment. 716-297-3387.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

New Articles

Lisa Englert has graciously agreed to share her money saving tips on our Helpful Tips... section on our main website. She has already started writing a few articles and has promised to add more in the near future. If you are planning a wedding soon and need some expert advise, Lisa is the person to ask. Check out her articles today to save money.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Night walk in Niagara Falls

A couple pictures from last night that show the illumination of the American falls viewed from Prospect Point in Niagara Falls State Park.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Visiting Niagara

I shot this on Thursday from the viewing area on Goat Island called Stedman's Point. Although Niagara is usually covered under ice and snow by now, we have had an unusually mild winter this year. Even so I wanted to work on some new techniques to show the falls off even on an overcast gray day. You may click the image to enlarge.