Tuesday, October 8, 2013

How to shoot waterfalls by Gary Muth

You can sign up for our waterfall workshops to learn how to shoot great waterfall images like these. Call or contact our studio for details. The Portrait Gallery Niagara

Friday, October 4, 2013

Photographing Waterfalls by Gary Muth

Whenever I get a chance I like to get out of the studio and photograph nature. Waterfalls are my favorite subjects because they are so tricky to handle. I took these last week at a small nature park in Lockport, NY. First off your chances of success improve greatly if you photograph the falls on an overcast day. This makes handling the highlights easier but I still bracket my exposures. I prefer to use a ND filter too, to knock down the exposures even more to get a great blur on the water. We hold two annual workshops to teach the proper techniques in shooting waterfall pictures correctly. If you are interested contact our studio at: The Portrait Gallery Niagara for dates and times. 716-297-3387.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The Portrait Gallery Niagra shoots horse racing images at Fort Erie

The Prince of Wales Stakes at Fort Erie Race Track is the second leg of the Canadian triple crown in thoroughbred racing. Our studio was there to capture some great images for our fine art collections. The image of the horses leaving the starting gate was won by Uncaptured the number one horse on the rail. We decided to name that image Uncaptured. The other image of the horses rounding the final turn is called Lucky Image after the horse who won the forth race, Lucky Image the number one horse, who by the way is in the lead and the focal point of our image. You may click to enlarge. Visit The Portrait Gallery Niagara to purchase a wall portrait for yourself.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Limited Edition Prints by Niagara Falls Photographer Gary Muth

We are now offering Limited Edition Prints. They will be limited to one 16x20 color and one 16x20 bw. Images will be framed, matted and signed by the artist. The images above are part of that collection. I took these recently of Lockport Falls a quaint little waterfall in our area. If you are interested contact our studio at : The Portrait Gallery Niagara

Friday, May 10, 2013

Spring Waterfall Workshop 2013

Our spring waterfall workshop was a huge success this year. We couldn't ask for better weather. We had overcast clouds when we needed them and sunshine when we needed it. We covered Lockport falls, Royalton falls, Holley falls,Clarendon falls and as a spcecial added bonus 30 mile point lighthouse at Golden Hill State Park. If you didn't sign up this year don't worry you can get in on our fall waterfall workshop this year. Here are some samples of what you missed. We have all our pictures at our main gallery. The Portrait Gallery Niagara. Click on any image to enlarge.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Photographing Trilliums in Niagara Falls

The trilliums are in bloom. My favorite wild flower the trilliums grow on Goat Island in Niagara Falls. On the first week of May every year the woodlands on Goat Island come alive with a wealth of wild trilliums. I always mark my calender and make a trip to the island just to capture their beauty. Here are some examples of this years crop. The trillium is the provincial flower of Ontario and is an endangered flower and is illegal to pick. Go to our main site at: The Portrait Gallery Niagara to view our entire collection of flowers.