Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Colorful bromeliad at the Erie County Botanical Gardens in Lackawanna NY. I liked the swirl of color from this plant.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Fast, fast, fast...

Racing at Sebring...actually practice laps a few days before the big race.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Dark Passage of Monticello

I took this image a year ago and thought I wish I had used my tripod. When I uploaded the image, I saw it was soft and not sharp, and definitely not what I wanted. The image is of the north / south cellar passage under Monticello. They do not permit photographs inside the mansion and the temperature that day was in the upper 90's so I wasn't going to carry any extra equipment like a heavy tripod with me. I used my Nikon D3 and shot a handheld 5 exposure bracketed burst hoping to capture the scene. I used the 32 bit hdr merge and the new camera shake reduction filter in Adobe Photoshop CC to make a keeper of this dark cellar area.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Friday, December 6, 2013

Software try out_Portrait Professional

Here is my first attempt using Portrait Professional. I normally stay away from programs like this because the cost usually doesn't justify its ability. I feel most everything you possibly need to do can be found in Photoshop. I must admit this program is quite nice. You can change a face from very subtle adjustments to very dramatic. I especially like the eye treatment features. I still need a lot more practice at this but I feel this program has great potential. You need to use this program like we used filters on film cameras way back when....sparingly...less is more on the sliders for the best effects. I will work more with this program and give my thoughts soon.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Autumn Color

It's beginning to look a lot like fall in western New York. Grab your camera, get out there, take some pictures, have fun. Just some images I captured this past week while traveling around my area.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

How to shoot waterfalls by Gary Muth

You can sign up for our waterfall workshops to learn how to shoot great waterfall images like these. Call or contact our studio for details. The Portrait Gallery Niagara