Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Beans Close ups

Another try today at macro. The images today are of coffee beans. A little better than yesterday but still a long way to go. I will keep working on it.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

My New Goal this Year is...

I have decided this year I am going to learn to do macro photography and do it well. You probably don't recognize this image but for lack of interesting subjects I shot this poinsettia bud today. Poinsettia's don't have flowers so bud probably isn't the proper term, but its the tip of a branch. You can see where some leaves have broken off and apparently mold is growing. I need to get rid of this thing soon. The subject in question is 2 millimeters across and very small. I used seventeen images focus stacked in photoshop cc to get the entire tip in sharp focus. This was just a quick run thru and I see I need to fine tune my technique a bit. Be patient with me as this is my first attempt, but soon I shall be doing some impressive images.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Bird Kingdom in Niagara Falls, Canada... Workshop

Some images I took of captive wild and exotic birds at a workshop I attended in Canada this week. Bird Kingdom is located right next to the Rainbow Bridge and is an excellent place to learn and practice your photography skills.