Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Using HDR for Depth and Detail.

You can use HDR photography to bring out depth and detail. This image was made using 5 bracketed shots at -1 stop intervals. I merged these images in Aurora HDR Pro and over saturated some of the colors to broaden the tonal value of my image. I finished it in Photoshop CC by creating a new adjustment layer in B&W and adjusting color tones individually until I got the desired result.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Foggy Morning at Martins Mill

Don't let the weather control when you shoot. Often inclement weather like rain or fog will add dramatic impact or interest to your photos. Just make sure you protect your equipment for the conditions you are shooting.

Thursday, December 31, 2015

Martins Mill Bridge

I love to photograph covered bridges. It just makes good sense to find as many interesting angles of the bridge as you can. I walk the banks up and down the creek on both sides until I find the right place to plant a tripod. This Greencastle bridge was made in 1849. It is no longer in use and closed off to traffic. The early morning fog gives these images added appeal.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Sach's Bridge, Gettysburg

When I got to this bridge it was raining and getting dark quickly. I used my Nikon D3 with a 24-85mm at f-8, iso 200. I mounted the camera on a tripod so I could drag the shutter to pull in all the ambient light I could catch. I then used a micro fiber clothe to cover the lens and camera and also used it to clean rain water from the lens. I bracketed five exposures and merged them in Aurora HDR Pro and finished off the image in Photoshop CC.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Chambersburg Christmas Tree

Evening shot of the town square in Chambersburg, Pa. I used three -1 stop exposure bracket and merged them with Aurora HDR Pro.

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Always Protect Your Gear

The falls attract many gulls because the food is plentiful. Occasionally you can spot a peregrine falcon in the gorge. Niagara Falls always has something interesting to offer. This image was taken from the Maid of the Mist. You will get very wet on that boat so make sure your equipment is well protected. I used large zip lock clear bag to cover my camera. Snipped a corner off just big enough to squeeze the lens through then capped the lens with a clear UV filter. Make sure to bring a micro fiber clothe to wipe the lens of water droplets frequently because the mist is fierce down there.