Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Cave Man

Penns Cave Video ( Click Here ) I just want to mention this because sometimes your camera is over its head in ability. This is Penns Cave in Pennsylvania. I stopped just as they were opening for the morning. I had plenty of time to do a four image pano of their beautiful hotel at the entrance without tons of tourists in my image. When I went into the cave...oops maybe I have the wrong camera. I had my Canon Powershot sx50 hs and although its an excellent travel camera and has great lens versatility it's not a good choice for low light without a tripod. In the cave you ride a small narrow skiff through the cave. A little motion, a little rocking made it difficult to get sharp images. Now I am not a video guy but to save the day you may want to use the video on your camera just so you get something to take home. Usually the video will pick up the ambient light better than the camera will. I posted a short clip here just to give an example of what I mean. Be adaptable when in the field.

Monday, June 27, 2016

Big View

If you ever get to York county take some time to hike up High Point Park outside of York, PA. The park overlooks the Susquehanna valley and has spectacular views. I used a tripod to turn my camera vertical and panned eight images to make a panorama. The eight photos were then uploaded to Adobe Camera Raw and then into Photoshop CC. Once in Photoshop CC go to file > to scripts > to load files into stacks. Choose add files from desktop, check off the attempt to align files box. Once the files are stacked go to edit > to auto-blend layers, check off the content fill box. This does an incredible job of merging, aligning, blending your images. In many instances I don't have a tripod handy and you can do your shots hand held and still get great results.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Welcome to Pennsylvania

I merged five images in Photoshop CC to make this pano. A view of the water shed from the Tioga Pennsylvania Welcome Center on route 15 south.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Old House

While traveling through Lancaster county I found this abandoned farm house, mill and covered bridge and decided it would make an excellent pictures. I turned my camera vertical and made five images to use in a panoramic of this scene. I merged the five images in Photoshop CC. Correction, this is Baumgardner mill and barn, the old house is on the left outside the picture.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

This hummer is really feeding from a feeder. The leaves in the foreground were strategically placed to mask out the feeder.

Friday, June 17, 2016

An image from my summer hummingbird series. Shot with a Nikon D3, 70-200mm 2.8 lens. I am still desperately seeking to shoot a male ruby throated but I have yet to see one in my garden. I guess sometimes the challenge isn't operating the equipment but patience waiting for the right opportunity.