Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Monday, July 25, 2016

Power Up

Nothing too spectacular about power lines, but I liked the dramatic clouds in this picture.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Thomas the Train

While we were at Strasburg Rail Road Station we took Wendy's grandson on the famous Thomas the Train ride. He totally had a blast and was super excited to see Thomas in person.

Friday, July 22, 2016

Ye Ole Print Shop

Here's an image I made of the print shop used by the Cloister in Ephrata. One of the Society's outstanding contributions to its communities was the steady flow of books, broadsides, and tracts that rolled off its printing presses. I used 3 images merged together in Photoshop CC. Then processed in Aurora HDR Pro. I have been experimenting with blending Source Image > Custom Textures in this program with a vast array of colored and textured backgrounds I used in my portrait studio. I am happy with the effects I can achieve to give my work its own style and look. I will do a tutorial on that soon.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Niagara River Morning

Image of a very calm and reflective Niagara river. This is shot from the north west corner of Grand Island looking towards Niagara Falls. Part of a 30 mile bicycle ride I stopped at this overlook and snapped this image because I rarely see the river this calm.