Monday, October 3, 2016


An extreme close up of the mouth and fangs of a cross orb weaver spider.

Friday, September 30, 2016

New Garden Addition

Chrysanthemums (/krɪˈsænθəməm/)also called mums are a great way to add fall color to your garden. This plant has about 1 inch flowers on it. I merged 50 images ( overkill ) to make this photo. I just wanted to be sure I had all the detail I could get. Shot with canon powershot sx50 hs with raynor 250 close up filter. Iso 80, 1/800th at f-8. Images were merged in Zerene Stacker and finished with the new Aurora 2017 and Photoshop CC.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

New Software

Just upgraded to Aurora 2017. Loads of new and updated controls. This hornet macro was stack merged in Zerene Stacker and processed with Aurora 2017.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Basil Flower

This basil has gone to seed. The flowers will generate new seed to be used for next years crop. I shot and stacked 38 images to get this tiny flower in sharp focus.

Profile Picture Updated

I have tried many many types of speedlight flash diffusers with ok results, but the best technique ever was invented by Neil Van Neikirk. His black foamie thing is genius. Not only is it economical it works fantastic. Gives you directional lighting from your on camera flash. My selfie was taken with Nikon sb-900 with black foamie thing on camera directed to a white wall camera left. Another sb-600 directed towards white wall to light my background and bounce light back to the left side of my face. Textured background was added in later in Photoshop CC. You can read up on Neil's technique here Black Foamie Thing.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Platycodon in my Garden

Platycodon grandifloras. It is commonly known as common balloon flower or balloon flower. A reseeding perennial with gorgeous blue flowers. I focus stacked 14 images to get the entire flower in sharp focus. Iso 80, 1/4 sec at f-8.