Thursday, May 4, 2017

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Snook's Covered Bridge

Another great looking white with red accents Pennsylvania bridge. Built in 1882 the bridge is in remarkably good shape. I started out on this series of covered bridges using a tripod and seven image bursts of bracketed exposures but after the first two bridges I ditched the tripod and reduced the exposures to three bracketed. By then the sun had come out and I could maintain faster shutter speeds to hand hold the camera and still get sharp images.

Kniseley Covered Bridge

A really well maintained bridge in a park like setting. White with red accents the Kniseley bridge is not usable to traffic but you can walk across it.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Turner Covered Bridge

Another white covered bridge in Pennsylvania. The Turner covered bridge was a great find off the main road on a dirt and gravel road the bridge is still in operation. There is a five dollar fine for driving over the bridge faster than a walk.

Claycomb Covered Bridge

Gracing the entrance to Old Bedford Village is this beautifully landscaped Claycomb covered bridge. The bridge was originally in Reynoldsdale and moved to this location in 1975.

Monday, May 1, 2017

Bowser's Covered Bridge

Interestingly we found some white bridges in Pennsylvania. I have shot a lot of covered bridges and the only white ones I have seen were in Indiana. Most of the Pa bridges are red so this was a pleasant surprise. This Bowser's covered bridge is no longer in service as there is a concrete bridge next to it.

Covered Bridge Tour

The Herline covered bridge built in 1906 is the longest covered bridge in Bedford County, Pa.
This is the opposite side view of Herline covered bridge. I used a bracketed three image burst hand held for these images. Nikon D3, iso 200, f-11.