Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Down the Stretch

A big stretch dual in the eight race with Gandys Got Gold and Rock My Soul challenging.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Big Win

Another jockey, Juan Crawford. He is smiles from ear to ear after an unexpected win on long shot Crowns Dancer.

Monday, June 5, 2017

The Jocks

Here is Helen Vanek after another successful win on Hombre Natural. She won the first three races opening day at Fort Erie Race Track for the hat trick. I used f-6.3 at 1/2000th sec at iso 900 to capture this image. The needed the fast shutter speed because the horse was still very excited after the race and moving around quite a bit. The f6.3 aperture was to acquire the most depth of field I could get an still keep my iso reasonable.

Sunday, June 4, 2017

The Old Grey Mare

The old grey mare named Sandys Hurricane gets challenged by Our Gabrielle in the seventh race.

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Finish with Style

I used manual mode with a start up setting of 1/2000th sec @ f-6.3 and auto iso to deal with the clouded sky. Iso in this pic ended up at 1250. I like the double image of this finish on the monitor.

Friday, June 2, 2017

Post to Post

I always try to find backgrounds that are not too busy so your focus of attention is on the action of the horses. Here I cropped out the sky and tree tops because they distracted the eye from my subjects. Use creative cropping to improve your compositions.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

A Lot of Gull

Nice image I grabbed at the track of this gull flying around the grandstands. He was looking for hand outs but the bettors weren't interested in birds they were there to see horses.