Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Another Swallow

Beautiful bird giving me some photo time and I'm glad he did. These little birds fly like rockets and are very difficult to shoot in flight. The canon camera I had this day was no where near fast enough to do BIF shots.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Big Swallow

A nice grab of this tree swallow perched a top a thistle. I love the blue feathers on these birds. This cutie looks pretty young, probably this years crop. It's important to not disturb any wildlife so keep your distance and use telephoto lenses. I used a canon powershot sx50 hs at 850mm which kept me about 15 feet away from my subject.

Monday, June 12, 2017

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Lucky Break

We don't usually see white egrets in Niagara Falls. I am not a birder so he possibly could be an albino version of a great blue heron, I don't really know for sure.This guy has been stalking Gill creek for two years now that I know of and maybe longer. I catch glimpses of him occasionally on my bike rides. He will see me and he's gone, not a photogenic type I guess. This day was an exception he didn't care as much about me as long as I kept my distance, as he did about catching his lunch. Lucky break for me the sun was cooperating and so was a nice reflection in the water.

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Ray of Light

This particular image I switched to a 10x ND filter. Exposure ended up at 30 sec. at f-2.8 and iso 100. I started the exposure while the falls was under cloud cover but halfway thru the a ray of sunlight came through the trees and lit up the water.

Friday, June 9, 2017

Peaceful Delight

While at Lockport falls I made some color exposures. To make the water blur you need a good tripod and a slow shutter speed. This one I used a 4X nd filter to slow the shutter speed to 6 sec. at f-11, iso 200.

Thursday, June 8, 2017

A Little Waterfall

Went to Lockport and stopped by this little gem. It had been raining for the past week so I had plenty of water flow. I used an infrared R-79 red filter to make the foliage white. Long exposure of 30 sec. at 2.8 and iso 100.