Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Sherfy Barn

A long zoom in from across the field of the Sherfy barn from the spot as the image below. The best thing about a bridge camera is its versatility zooming to save you intense cropping.

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Red Covered Bridge

Sach's covered bridge over Marsh creek in Gettysburg is my second favorite bridge to shoot. McConnell's Mills is my favorite but with both bridges the time of day and the season make or break a great picture.

Bushman House

Canons look down on the Bushman house at Gettysburg.

Big Clouds

Panorama of the Sherfy farm in the Gettysburg battlefield area.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Friday, October 27, 2017

Halloween Hounds

It's that time of year again. Oscar and Nittany are dressing up as a Pig and a Chicken this year for Halloween. I made up some photo composites to celebrate.