Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Big Red

I wanted to get a few nice images of Wendy's amaryllis while it is blooming. Today I used 2 Nikon sb-600's at full power in gridded umbrella with extra diffusion on camera left. One Nikon sb-600 with orange gel and a snoot pointed at the blossom on the right at 1/4 power. One Nikon sb-600 from above and behind with deep red gel at full power. All triggered with Nikon sb-900 on camera using Nikon CLS. Nikon D3, iso 200, f-11 @ 1/200 sec.

Monday, February 4, 2019

Amaryllis Painted

Wendy's amaryllis has bloomed so today I took the opportunity to light paint the largest bloom. Using colored gels and a pen light I used a long exposure to bring out the amazing colors.

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Social Media Break

Central Park winter sun seekers take a media break on the rocks. Funny thing about photography. You can take thousands of technically correct photographs trying to duplicate the exact light and colors of the actual scene and you will virtually get little or no notice. Add tons of over saturation, contrast and or sharpening and everyone comments on what a great picture. Go figure...hahahaha.

Monday, January 28, 2019

Chess Men

These two ivory chess men are 3 inches tall. Light painted with pen light and colored gels.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

This Bud

Amaryllis bud is starting to bloom. It made an interesting subject for light painting.