Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Single Blue

Blueberry shot with Canon Powershot sx50hs zoomed to 400mm, iso 80, f-8 at 1/640 sec. also the Raynox 250 close up filter attached to the front of the lens. One of the finest points about the sx50 is I can sync. the flash up to 1/800 sec. Lighing is from on camera Nikon sb600 flash with tin foil modifier to extend the light out and down. The berry has filled the frame without cropping and I am very satisfied with the depth of field.
Another version with a couple more blueberries added.
A closer shot zoomed from 400mm to 600mm.

Monday, February 25, 2019

Beyond the Federation

In a galaxy far far away the watermelon planet waits patiently. When they will visit is anybodys guess. Created today just for fun in Photoshop to hone my skills.

Monday, February 11, 2019

Still Life

Simple bouquet illuminated with pen light using varying degrees of white balance to achieve interesting light and colors.