Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Friday, March 8, 2019

Select OK

Select OK button on TV remote macro image. Shot on Canon Powershot SX50hs. ISO 80, 1/640th sec at f-8, with Raynox 250 close up filter. Lighting on camera Nikon sb-600 with homemade modifier, set at M 1/8th power.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Single Blue

Blueberry shot with Canon Powershot sx50hs zoomed to 400mm, iso 80, f-8 at 1/640 sec. also the Raynox 250 close up filter attached to the front of the lens. One of the finest points about the sx50 is I can sync. the flash up to 1/800 sec. Lighing is from on camera Nikon sb600 flash with tin foil modifier to extend the light out and down. The berry has filled the frame without cropping and I am very satisfied with the depth of field.
Another version with a couple more blueberries added.
A closer shot zoomed from 400mm to 600mm.

Monday, February 25, 2019

Beyond the Federation

In a galaxy far far away the watermelon planet waits patiently. When they will visit is anybodys guess. Created today just for fun in Photoshop to hone my skills.