Wednesday, May 15, 2019

North Tonawanda

Along side the Erie Canal at the corner of Webster and Sweeney Streets. Four image pano merged in ACR and finished in Aurora 2019.

Monday, May 13, 2019

Pictures with the Grandchildren

Using the same lighting diagram as below.
Kids move around a lot faster so it's harder for the speedlights to keep up but no cords to deal with so that helps.
I added some matching colors and texture to the background on the last one just for experimentation.

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Friday, May 10, 2019

Slap me Silly

Another 4 image pano of the rapids above the falls. I am super impressed with the Merge to Panorama mode in ACR. Maybe it's my old laptop or the program but it does take awhile for the images to merge, but when they do I am like wow great picture. Then a little polishing in Photoshop or Aurora 2019 and you're done.
This is a 3 image pano converted to B&W. You may click on any picture to enlarge.