Saturday, May 31, 2008

Senior Photo Session

Today we had an opportunity to photograph Shakiyla Haugabook in her cap and gown. She is graduating at the top of her class with high honors and her family is very proud of her accomplishments. Here are a few of today's images that I liked best. We had such a great time during this shoot. We shot many images in studio with different backgrounds and then made it outside for a few before the rains came. Shakiyla has been in front of my lens a few times before and she is very comfortable with us and our style of photography. She is an attractive and lovely young woman and a pleasure to work with. I used a Nikon D3 with 24-70 ED AF-S mm 2.8 lens for all the shots.

Friday, May 30, 2008

June is Passport Photo Month

The Portrait Gallery will do your passport pictures. During the month of June you can get a 50% discount on passport pictures. Just make your appointment ( 283-0303 )and give the promotional code:

and receive your discount. This promotional offer is only valid for the month of June. Your passport photos are 100% guaranteed.

K-9 Fun

Yesterday I happen to stop at Gratwick Park in North Tonawanda and saw this man with two dogs. He was bouncing a ball down the pier and the dogs would chase the ball right off the pier an into the water. They were having so much fun I was compelled to stop and photograph this amazing display of affection and playfulness between this man and his dogs. I used the burst mode on my camera to capture the sequences of all the action. All images were made with Nikon D3 with 70-200 AF-S VR mm nikor lens.
Click this link and use the slide show option at the top of the page you will be able to see all the action and see why I just had to stop and shoot this.