Saturday, August 28, 2010

New pricing

We have changed our pricing for our wedding packages this week. The new prices do reflect the economy and cost of living increases that we have been holding down for quite a while now, but it is a very modest increase at best. Most importantly, you will notice we have four wedding packages with two new options. We feel our clients deserve the very best. This is big and worth a look. You may read all about it on our wedding investment page, or better yet, call 297-3387 for a consultation now.

Monday, August 23, 2010


Congratulations to Sherry and Shannon Groff. They wed on Sunday at the Erie County Botanical Gardens. We photographed their ceremony indoors due to rains in the area. We did get plenty of images of them with their families. A wonderful couple and we wish them all the best. Here are a few from the day. We did manage to get outside after the ceremony. Click to enlarge image. Their complete collection of images can be seen on our main site at:

Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Dare Devil

Today my daughter Lisa got to rappel down the 26 story high Seneca Niagara Casino. She earned the opportunity by raising over $1000 for the Special Olympics. She did a fine job too. They all thought she was a professional coming down the wall so fast. Here are a few pics of her. Click to enlarge.

Sunday, July 11, 2010


A big congratulations go out to Melanie and Eric this week. They tied the knot on Saturday. We met them at Antonio's Quality Inn where they married first. We then went to Great Lakes Gardens in Niagara Falls State Park for some environmental family pictures. Then back to Antonio's for a great night of fun at their reception. Here are a few pics from the event. Click on images to enlarge. Their entire gallery can be seen on our main site at:

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Graduation Day

Today my daughter Christina graduated from NFHS. She received her diploma on stage at the Niagara Falls Cenvention Center. We are so proud of her. She will be starting college at NCCC in the fall. She plans on being a teacher. Today is a great day.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Lighting Lesson 005

It is important that you understand and use light to portray the image you want to express. The before and after image above shows you the original scene and how it was brightly lit. The subject matter gets completely lost in the scene and the image makes no sense.. Now suppose you light the subject and render the surrounding background black. I did this by adding one light ( sb 600 speedlight ) with a Gary Fong power snoot. By under exposing the back ground and just adding some concentrated light to the subject I have now made the sneakers the main focal point of this scene. Now this is in no way super artistic but it is a quick demonstration of how dramatically light can alter your image easily. This gives the scene a different look. Your posibillities are endless in photography. Use the light to express your feelings to the viewer. Camera was a Nikon D3, 24-70mm Nikkor 2.8 AF-s lens. Exposure was ISO 320, f - 16 @ 1/ 1000 sec. SB 600 manual, @ full power.

Monday, June 21, 2010


Congratulations to Steven & Laura. They married on Saturday at Samuel's Grand Manor in Clarence. They had an outdoor wedding ceremony and the reception immediately followed in the upstairs banquet room. The weather turned sunny and we got plenty of great images. We had a great time working with this couple and their families. You can see their complete gallery of wedding images on our main site: