Saturday, February 27, 2016

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Post Process it Right.

Using the new Aurora HDR Pro to post process some older images I shot in Nevada a while back. The presets work great but you came make your own presets to satisfy anyones taste. The HDR detail tool really adds sharpness and makes your images pop.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016


Trying to find new and interesting angles at America's most photographed park isn't easy. Here's my best effort with some varying focal lengths.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Upper West Side Columbus Ave.

One thing I especially like about the new Aurora HDR Pro software is the fact that one can take mediocre images and make it interesting easily. Trey has added some great pre sets that make any photo pop.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Big Price vs Low Price

Don't fall into the, "If I only had a better camera I could do that too"syndrone. The images below were taken with two different cameras by two different camera manufacturers. One was a high end top of the line professional camera with a price tag of over $6000 and the other was a low end point and shoot priced at $400. Knowing how to use your equipment and proper camera techniques will level any playing field. It's not about how expensive your camera is but what you do with the camera you have. Today digital media has developed to the point where you can actually make and sell pictures made from your iPhone. Can you tell the difference? neither, the only difference here is resolution. The point and shoot picture is most satisfactory for internet use and prints up to 16x20 but the resolution will break up quicker upon enlargement and will need extra care.
For anyone interested, the top image was the point and shoot.