Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Lighting Lesson 04

Simple lighting techniques and attention to details will give you great results. Today my self assignment was to take a simple household article, light it and make it interesting. In this case tasty, I hope. I started with a tea cup and saucer and placed them on glass suspended on a small table top with books. I like this technique because it affords you opportunity to light your subject from below if you want. In this particular case I used a SB 600 in a soft box at ttl +1 for my main light. I used one SB 800 on camera bounced behind me set on ttl +1 as a fill light. I then added one SB 600 with CTO gel and a gobbo set at ttl -1 to light my background. The gobbo is used to restrict light spill on my subject. I used the hottest tea possible to my tea cup but I still didn't have the steaming hot tea effect I wanted. I took the image and then added the steam in photoshop with layers. I handheld my Nikon D3 and used iso 640. Camera settings were f-16 at 1/80th sec. using 24-70mmAF-S mm Nikkor lens set to 70mm. Click on image to enlarge and you will see the faint hint of steaming hot tea for a most realistic look.

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