Contrary to popular belief, good macro photography is very difficult to achieve. The equipment used is very different from what standard portrait photographers use. I am just a beginner in this field so I have started out easy with a diopter lens which fits easily to most of the lenses I already have. Once I master this I will probably progress into reversal rings and maybe a high quality macro lens. The diopter gets me in the range of some good macro photography like I am interested in but as I continually tell you...it's all about the light. Properly lighting a subject you can barely see is very tricky and takes lots and lots of illumination to light your scene. Not only is light a major issue but your subject needs to be in focus and if your subject is an insect...yikes they move fast and depth of field is also a problem. Then there is the background to consider. And to make matters worse there is a dust issue to think about too. Way more skill and thought goes into a good shot than I ever imagined. The image above is a really close up view of broccoli sprouts. As you can see I am just a beginner but I plan on getting better.
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