Monday, January 26, 2009

Photoshop effort...

My latest creation. Anyone who has ever been to a casino knows there is no photography inside.I have been working on this concept with dice and I needed more than a photograph of just a pair of dice. So I started with some wire and a glue gun and glued the dice to a thin wire and photographed then looking like they are flying thru air. Then later removing the wires in photoshop. The image was well lit and looked good but I wanted something more. So I meticulously constructed the craps table in photoshop. Complete with the rubberized looking back board, mirrors, and chips. Now I had a better image but I needed a reason for the dice flying thru air. So I went into the studio and photographed my hand in a simulated dice throwing motion and added it too. The final image was then stroked and border added and will be submitted for gallery print competition. Lets hope all the work and planning pays off. Click on image to enlarge.

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