Friday, December 3, 2010

Photoshop Lesson

Todays lesson is a quick non destructive way to dodge and burn to make your image pop. This method will give your images more modeling and add a 3D look to them. Import your image into Photoshop. Click Layers on the top menu tool bar. Click New > layer. In the pop up menu box set the mode to Overlay. Now check the box that says ( fill with overlay-neutral color 50% gray ). Go to your brushes palette and choose a soft brush. Start with a low opacity. Make sure your color tool bar is set to black and white. Now click the layer mask in your layers palette and paint your image. Remember black adds and white subtracts. Start with a low opacity and build your image up to the desired depth. As you can see in the sample images the top is a tad flat. By using this method you can non destructively add modeling to any image.

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