Sunday, March 31, 2013

How to photograph a Lighthouse

This is St. Augustine Lighthouse in Florida. You will need a camera with a wide angle lens to capture the vertical height of a lighthouse. If possible it is nice to have a longer lens to pull in all the details close up too. Start by walking around the lighthouse grounds and capture as many interesting angles as possible from a distance where you can comfortably include the entire length of the lighthouse. Then gradually work closer to the structure. Once you feel you have captured the outside then proceed to explore the lighthouse itself. You may find interesting artifacts to photograph inside. When moving indoors make sure to adjust the settings on your camera for low light indoor photography. Most cameras will let you raise the ISO setting to pull in additional ambient light needed to get a better image. If you are up to it, climb the stairs to the top, the view is always worth the effort. A panorama shot from the top is always a winner. Always look for interesting angles to shoot from and you will come away with a great set of images.

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