Saturday, December 21, 2013

Low Light for the Fun of it.

Truth be told I am lazy when it comes to my personal photography. I tried to be like the other photographers and lug around tons of photographic equipment with me in my travels thinking I need all this crap to get great pictures. Not to mention an old guy like me walking around with twenty thousand dollars of photo gear or leaving it in a hot car or motel room was very stressful. I definitely do not like to shoot on a tripod. Most times a tripod is not permitted at some of these locations so you need to be able to travel light and shoot fast. The examples I show you here were all shot without a tripod and all but one was shot with a Canon power shot SX50 HS. I used a Nikon D3 on the first one, handheld. My point is don't be a slave to your equipment and have fun taking your pictures instead. Learn your camera and how to expose properly. Hold it steady or use a wall or brace to eliminate camera shake. Then post process your images in Photoshop CC.

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